Watch the trailer for the finally uncut space war

Watch the trailer for the finally uncut space war

Two new Zack Snyder blockbusters were released on Netflix at the end of 2023 and in April 2024, and many people have probably already forgotten about them. Rebel Moon – Part 1: Child of Fire and Rebel Moon – Part 2: The Scarmaker didn’t really make an impression. But the former DC director’s Star Wars versions will soon get a new chance on the streaming service.

Long before the release of the current Rebel Moon versions, harder, longer director’s cuts announced that will soon be coming to Netflix. Now you can watch a new trailer.

Here is the trailer for the Rebel Moon Director’s Cuts:

Rebel Moon: Director’s Cut – Trailer (German) HD

Director’s Cut versions of Rebel Moon promise a completely new experience

In terms of content, the director’s cuts of the sci-fi spectacle are not just longer versions with additional scenes. Similar to the Snyder Cut of Justice League, the director himself spoke of completely new viewing experiences. The amount of sex and violence in particular was teased as being significantly increased, which resulted in the new Rebel Moon versions in the USA already having a higher R rating compared to the previous versions with a tamer PG-13 rating.

The running times of the two parts in the new version differ significantly from the previous Netflix versions. Part 1 then runs a huge 3 hours and 21 minuteswhile the second part also has an extra-long running time of 2 hours and 50 minutes comes.

When are the Rebel Moon Director’s Cuts coming to Netflix?

From the 2 August 2024 The new Rebel Moon versions are available in the Netflix subscription. You can see an X-post from Zack Snyder with the new original titles, three pictures and confirmation of the release here:

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