Watch the scary fall during the Suurmäki practice at the World Championships – Janne Ahonen opens up about what really happened

Watch the scary fall during the Suurmaki practice at the

Niko Kytösaho thought Peter Prevc’s fall was really violent. The Slovenian got a mild concussion and bruises from a hard tackle during World Cup training.

Roope Visuri,

Riku Salminen

18:46•Updated 18:50

Slovenian Peter Prevc fell down in an ominous way during the Suurmäki practice of the World Championships in Planica. Prevc was taken off the slope on a stretcher in front of his home crowd and taken to the hospital.

The overall winner of the 2015-2016 World Cup waved his hand after the concussion and was conscious.

Sports expert Janne Ahonen investigated the situation and found out that Prevc has not been seriously injured.

– The tail and side are a bit sore, but that’s understandable after a bomb like that, Ahonen said.

Prevc got bruises and a mild concussion in the situation. He remains in the hospital under observation. The condition of the hill jumper will be announced in more detail on Thursday.

Ahonen has seen the video of the jump from a few different angles.

– First of all, the back binding came off or fell apart. It keeps the ski in balance when jumping. Now the ski was able to come behind the shoulder. Then we came down on wheels, Ahonen said.

Finnish jumper Niko Kytösaho saw the fall of Prevc.

– It seemed like a very traditional situation. The ski came and went. It went straight to the top. It looked really fierce, Kytösaho described.

Kytösaho didn’t believe that Prevc would compete on Thursday in Suurmäki’s qualifying after the heat.

– Slovenia also has a choice for the competition, Kytösaho reminded.
