Watch speedy “circus dogs” show off their talents in Luleå

Freestyle is tricks with the dog and in competition you compose your own program to music.

Isabella Röger, Luleå, works as a dog trainer and instructor and shows examples of freestyle with two of her dogs. First Alexa and then Essy.

Important to be warmed up

Before the more difficult tricks, she prepares herself and above all the dogs with calmer tricks.

– It is very important so that the dogs do not injure themselves, says Isabella Röger.

Heelwork a calmer variant

Her friend Angelica Fors Krekula trains and competes in heelwork with her Australian shepherd. A slightly calmer form of training.

– Hatchi came to me as a relocation dog, says Angelika Fors Krekula.

They have also been training for a long time. And to compete, they have so far had to travel to Umeå.

Here below they show heelwork.
