Watch sellers: Rolex’s most plagiarized watch

In an interview with Bloomberg Radio says company CEO Arjen van de Vall that of the plagiarized watches they discover, half are Rolex copies.

Up to 10 percent of the watches that customers want to sell through the company turn out to be fakes during the authenticity test that is carried out. And Rolex is the most sought-after luxury watch and “therefore also the most plagiarized”, according to van de Vall.

The forgeries have also in recent years become more advanced and harder to detect. According to van de Vall, the company used to be able to detect 80 percent of all fake copies of luxury watches with the naked eye, but today the corresponding figure is only 20 percent.

Counterfeits are a growing problem for the second-hand market for luxury watches, which is estimated to have a turnover of 25 billion euros, equivalent to just under 300 billion Swedish kronor annually, according to Bloomberg.
