It is known that morning sickness is usually seen in pregnant women. However, many people in society ignore this problem even though they have morning sickness. Morning sickness can be a sign of serious illness. Janice Johnston lists some of the things that can cause morning sickness.
Disrupted sleep cycles due to insomnia, sleep apnea, or staying up late can affect the digestive system, triggering nausea while awake. “This can cause an uncomfortable feeling in your stomach when you wake up in the morning,” says Johnston. In sleep apnea syndrome, temporary suffocation lasting for a few seconds can occur during sleep. During this suffocation, the oxygen level in the blood drops, allowing the brain to wake up. The brain wakes the body to let the respiratory functions cease.
Lack of sleep will also disrupt the circadian rhythm (body clock). When this rhythm is disrupted, it can lead to a variety of disorders and problems, including mental health conditions such as Alzheimer’s, weight gain, and depression. This is because all the hormones in the body must be in a balanced state. There are hormones that control appetite that make you sleepy, such as melatonin and ghrelin. Therefore, eating or sleeping at irregular times can have many effects. Going to bed tired and waking up startled can also trigger a rapid increase in the nervous system, triggering a feeling of nausea.
Low blood sugar levels can cause low energy and feelings of weakness. Johnston explains that low blood sugar can result from an unbalanced meal that lacks fiber and complex carbohydrates or skips a meal. “If you wake up feeling nauseous, it may be because you missed dinner or you didn’t eat enough the day before,” says Johnston. To overcome this, it is recommended to eat something like a light snack or breakfast until the symptoms subside.
Morning sickness can also be caused by diet. For example, eating large amounts of fatty food before going to bed at night triggers acid reflux. As a result, stomach acid can rise through the esophagus and cause heartburn and stomach pain.
Not drinking enough water can also be a reason to wake up feeling nauseous. If you don’t drink enough fluids the previous day and also don’t drink all night while you sleep, your body will become dehydrated. It can be exacerbated by drinking alcohol. If that’s the reason, drinking water will quickly relieve nausea.