Watch out for these signs! Monkeypox also spread to the USA

The mysterious disease is spreading 166 cases seen

In the USA, it was stated that the first case of “monkey pox” (monkeypox) virus of 2022 was seen. It was reported that the virus was seen in a man who had recently traveled to Canada. The symptoms of the virus, which has also spread in Europe, appear as fever, headache and skin rash that starts on the face and spreads to the rest of the body.


Massachusetts Department of Public Health, in a statement to members of the press, confirmed that they detected monkeypox virus in a man who had recently traveled to Canada.

Institution officials stated that they are working with the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and relevant local health institutions to carry out contact tracing, “the condition of the person taken to the hospital is good and the case does not pose any risk to the public.”

It has been reported that the virus does not spread easily between people, but in contact with objects such as infected bedding and clothing, or in close contact with the infected person for a long time, respiratory transmission can occur.

While no “monkey pox” cases were seen in the USA this year before, it was noted that in 2021, 2 cases were detected in 2 people who had traveled to Nigeria from Texas and Maryland.


Some cases of monkeypox virus have also been reported recently in England, Portugal and Spain.


First recorded in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in the 1970s and increasing in the last 10 years, the symptoms of monkeypox appear as fever, headache and skin rash that starts on the face and spreads to the rest of the body.

Source: AA
