Liver diseases can progress insidiously and have fatal consequences. Although it is known that the biggest causes of liver cancer are smoking and alcohol use, liver cancer can also be seen in people who have never used these substances. Studies reveal unknown symptoms of liver cancer.
In a case report published in The Eurasian Journal of Medicine, it was learned that a 52-year-old woman who died of liver cancer experienced itching and jaundice before the cancer was diagnosed.
yellowing of your skin or the whites of your eyes (you may also have itchy skin, darker-than-normal urine and paler stools)
Loss of appetite or weight loss without trying
feeling tired or having no energy
feeling generally unwell or having flu-like symptoms
lump on the right side of your abdomen
feeling or being sick
Pain in the upper right side of your abdomen or right shoulder
Symptoms of indigestion (such as feeling full too quickly while eating)
A very bloated stomach that is not related to when you eat.
“These symptoms can also be caused by non-cancerous conditions,” said Nurse Lisa. So having these symptoms doesn’t necessarily mean you have liver cancer. It is important to talk to your doctor about these symptoms or any other symptoms you are worried about.” Also, experts stated that the itching seen on the skin in liver cancer increases especially at night and is more common on the palms and soles.