From their scientific name snakes, the snakes fascinate, by their diversity, their particular aspect but also their dangerousness. These vertebrates amniotes possess, as we all know, an elongated body without visible limbs. This absence of members comes from a mutation genetic occurred 100 million years ago, on the gene sonic hedgehog. This allows the snakes to be adapted to subterranean life, which requires little height. But in practice, many are the snakes which live rather in the trees, wrapped around branches! Their body is divided into three parts: the head, the trunk and the tail. Its appearance varies according to thespecies, and especially according to its type of habitat. All carnivores, snakes can fast for a very long time after sustenance, up to several years: it all depends on the size of their last prey. Many snakes are venomousbut they often only attack to eat or defend themselves: most of the recorded cases of envenomation in humans take place in Africa and Asia.
Watch out for snakes, poisonous or not, keep your cool