Was the data of 108 million citizens stolen? The official statement came in the incident that everyone is talking about: Details of the investigation decision…

Was the data of 108 million citizens stolen The official

Especially yesterday and today, many social media users shared numerous posts regarding the claim that data was stolen. A statement was made by the Personal Data Protection Authority (KVKK) regarding the current issue. The statement stated that there was no breach notification submitted to the institution regarding the theft of data of 108 million citizens.


In the statement made by the institution, it was noted that within the scope of the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698, it is among the authorities of the KVKK to determine whether personal data is processed in accordance with the law and to take regulatory action regarding data security.

In the decision, it was emphasized that in the event that the processed personal data is obtained by others through illegal means, the data controller must notify the relevant person and the KVKK of this situation as soon as possible, and it was stated that the institution conducts an ex officio investigation after the violation notification and may announce this situation if necessary.



The statement, which pointed out that there was no violation notification submitted to the KVKK regarding the claim that “citizens’ personal data was stolen”, included the following statements:

“There are news on various news channels and social media platforms that the data of 108 million citizens has been stolen, and our institution has not received any data breach notification regarding the issue. Due to the fact that similar news has previously appeared in the media, there is currently an ex officio investigation decision taken by the KVKK regarding the data breach news that allegedly occurred during the pandemic, and work continues in coordination with the relevant public institutions.”
