Was sent home with a broken hip – no x-ray

Was sent home with a broken hip no x ray

Published: Less than 20 min ago

full screen An elderly man in Uppsala was laid up for weeks with a broken hip. Archive image. Photo: Jessica Gow/TT

An elderly man was sent home from the emergency room with a broken hip, without first being examined with an X-ray, reports P4 Uppland.

It was last winter that the man fell and sought care. An orthopedist examined him and determined that no X-ray examination was necessary.

A few weeks later, the man’s wife discovered that he had not left his bed since coming home to the nursing home. After another visit to the emergency room, the man was x-rayed and it was found that his hip was broken.

Now the Inspectorate for Care and Care (Ivo) has received a notification according to Lex Maria.
