Was advised to dry out liver spot – was skin cancer

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A woman in Skåne who went to the doctor with concerns about a liver spot was advised to resort to home remedies to get rid of it. She could either freeze the spot off with a pharmacy freezer or resort to the “glue method,” which the patient’s grandmother had successfully used in the past, the doctor said.

– You raise your eyebrows when you see this. The adhesive method is not a common method that we use in healthcare, says Jan Bleckert, the chief physician in Region Skåne.

Turned out to be skin cancer

Six months later, another doctor examined the woman’s liver spot and concluded that it was skin cancer she had suffered from.

– We are taking this seriously, says Jan Bleckert who lex Maria reported the incident to the Inspectorate for Care and Care (IVO).

Hear the chief doctor’s criticism of the case – in the player above.
