Warns of the mud at lake Tåkern – got stuck myself

It took 21 hours before the bird watcher was found.
Then he was stuck in the mud by a lake outside Mjölby.
Now Bengt Andersson, 71, who himself got stuck in the craze, warns.
– You won’t break free without help. Don’t be alone.

The bird watcher was out by lake Tåkern in Mjölby on Tuesday when he got stuck in the marshland. On the same day, Bengt Andersson, 71, was also out by the lake, but chose to bird watch in another place.

– I had intended to go to where he got stuck if the ground was drier. But based on previous experiences, I chose another place, says Bengt Andersson.

He himself has been stuck in the area several times. But then he had help with him.

– If I had been alone, I wouldn’t have gotten away. There were four or five of us who helped me up, says Bengt Andersson.

“Could have gone crazy”

The area where the man was found is off-limits until the first of July. And since there are no spiers or bird towers there, few people make it there.

– It can take a day before someone gets there. It could have gone crazy, he was really lucky, says Bengt Andersson.

In bad weather it gets very muddy and it’s easy to get stuck if you don’t watch out. He now urges you to think before you go out.

– Be careful when you go outside the branches. And don’t venture out into the swamp yourself, it’s easy to get stuck, says Bengt Andersson.
