The snowy weather thunders further north.
SMHI has issued both yellow and orange warnings in two-thirds of the country where 15 to 30 centimeters of snow may fall – locally even more is expected.
But in southern Sweden, rain can cause traffic problems.
– This rain is falling on cold roads so it’s going to be ice skating, says TV4’s meteorologist Ulrika Elvgren.
Large amounts of snow and strong winds are expected in parts of the country on Monday. MSB and several other authorities have had a crisis meeting ahead of the feared snow chaos and the Swedish Transport Administration has gone into staff mode.
During the night, the snowfall has moved further across southern Sweden and western Sweden and is about to advance further north, according to TV4’s meteorologist Ulrika Elvgren.
“Learn to skate”
In southern Sweden, the snow turns to a lot of rain instead, which can lead to very slippery roads.
– It will be quite windy and will also change to rain at the back of this snowfall, which is quite intense. This rain is falling on cold roads so it’s going to be ice skating for some here during the afternoon and evening
when this then migrates further north, says Ulrika Elvgren.
And also on Tuesday, it is expected to be slippery on the roads as the low pressure and cold air remain.
“Half a meter”
The largest amounts of snow are expected in western Svealand and from Dalsland up to Jämtland, where around three decimetres of snow can fall.
– Locally, there may be more and on the Norwegian side you will really be overwhelmed with snow. Half a meter and more can be added. So it’s a fairly intense storm moving in over us and many people are affected, says Urika Elvgren.
“Don’t go out into traffic”
SMHI has issued several yellow and orange weather warnings for snowfall combined with wind. “Don’t go out into traffic unnecessarily or prepare yourself for the possibility of standing still. Traffic conditions can be difficult due to drifts, slippage, poor visibility and snow,” writes SMHI on its website.
– It’s about keeping access open for the Swedish Transport Administration and the ploughs. If you are not in a hurry to go out, stay at home and leave room so that the Swedish Transport Administration can keep the roads that are needed open, says the meteorologist.
Today 10:05