SMHI has issued an orange warning on Kalfjället due to wind and snowfall. The roads can be slippery. “Significant” avalanche danger Friday and Saturday also offered strong winds in combination with snowfall interspersed with rain in the mountains. The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency then issued a warning of “significant” avalanche danger, a third on the five-point scale, in western Vindelfjällen, southern Laplandfjällen, southern Jämtlandsfjällen and western Härjedalsfjällen with ski resorts such as Funäsfjällen, Hemavan, Kittelfjällen and Åre. – It is a serious step. We expect avalanches to occur spontaneously. Now the weather is quite bad, so there probably aren’t that many people out where avalanches happen, but if you were, it’s easy to start them yourself, says Petter Palmgren at the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency’s avalanche forecast service.