Warnings for hard winds and snow in the mountains

Warnings for hard winds and snow in the mountains



Full screensmhi has issued a yellow warning for strong wind in combination with snow in several mountain areas. File image. Photo: Sofia Marcetic/TT

On Saturday, strong winds are expected in combination with snow in Jämtlandsfjällen, the southernmost Lapland mountains and northern Härjedalsfjällen.

SMHI has issued a yellow warning from midnight the night towards Saturday. The warning is valid until 12 noon for northern Jämtlandsfjällen and the southernmost Lapland mountains. There is expected to be hard to very strong wind of 15 to 20 meters per second.

The warning, on the other hand, lasts until 03:00 the night of Sunday for Northern Härjedalsfjällen as well as southern and central Jämtlandsfjällen. Even there it can blow between 15 and 20 meters per second, but at exposed peaks, the wind can reach storm strength at about 25 meters per second. The snow villages are also expected to be persistent and powerful.

If you are not properly mountain van, SMHI recommends setting up any mountain trips. It can be difficult to orient yourself as a result of impaired visibility and difficult to travel and anchor tents. There is also a risk of freezing.
