Warning to ice cream lovers! If not consumed properly…

Warning to ice cream lovers If not consumed properly

According to experts, who state that ice cream is undoubtedly the most preferred thing to cool off in scorching heat, ice cream does not cause any health problems if consumed correctly. But If it is not consumed properly, people with low immunity can also cause a throat infection.


According to experts, ice cream contains important substances for the body such as milk, fat, sugar, protein and calcium, it is indispensable for children in summer. It is a healthy food source for sweet-loving people. It is also a source of antioxidants with its fruity varieties made from natural fruits. Those who are allergic to cow’s milk can eat ice cream made from goat’s milk. Consuming ice cream with water reduces the frequency of throat infections. In addition, ice cream should not be consumed immediately after taking it out of its packaging. Waiting a little is good for the stomach and intestines. Again, eating small pieces and melting in the throat reduces the risk of throat infection.


Expert doctors in the field drew attention to the following issues in ice cream consumption;

“Excessive consumption of ice cream can be a problem for those with weight problems. It is healthier to consume on a full stomach. Do not consume with cold water. After eating ice cream, mouth should be washed to protect our teeth. Packaged ice creams must be preserved in the cold chain and consumed by checking the expiry date. People with blocked nose breathe through the mouth all night long. Mouth breathing increases throat infection by causing dry throat, tooth decay, and a bad taste in the mouth.


People with weak immune systems also have constant throat infections. People with sleep apnea-snoring become sick more often due to nighttime sleep obstruction. Smokers and people with a lot of postnasal drip get sick more often. Mouth breathing (mouth breathing) is one of the most common causes, nasal congestion, weak immune system, smoking, antibiotic resistance, extreme tiredness and insomnia, stress, drinking too cold and hot food, postnasal discharge, adenoid and nasal allergy. countable. In case of having more than 4-5 throat infections in a year, the option of surgery for adults and children comes into play. If a throat infection is not treated properly, this infection can damage the heart, kidneys and joints. (UAV)
