Warning ! Relief topics on the program

Warning Relief topics on the program

SCIENCE 2022 PATENT SUBJECT. The science and technology subjects of the 2022 patent have leaked. The Ministry of Education has announced that it will file a complaint and the relief topics will be presented to students this Friday, July 1 for the last college student test.

[Mis à jour le 1er juillet 2022 à 10h03] The subjects of the 2022 patent science tests, scheduled for Friday July 1 from 1:30 p.m., will be emergency subjects. Yesterday evening, on the eve of this final test of the college certificate, which this year includes earth life sciences and technology, the Ministry of National Education denounced a leak identified via photos of the initial subjects , exchanged on Whatsapp messaging. In addition to a complaint and an internal investigation, the rue de Grenelle therefore informed that these are the relief topics that will be offered to the 850,000 candidates this afternoon.

The science test is the final sprint of the patent tests. In just 1 hour, third-grade students must show that they have acquired the fundamental lessons of the year in science subjects. In general, it is about a test without trap, the subject presenting rather accessible exercises and without difficulty if one integrated the program well. As with every exam, the correctors are attentive to the care given to the copy and the science subjects are often less careful than the literary tests. Be careful therefore to clearly explain the reasoning, calculations, and analyzes of documents to support your answer, before concluding in one or two sentences. The teachers recommend detailing the stages of the reasoning but going to the essentials in the writing of the answers.

After the 100 points of the French subject, the 100 points of the math subject and the 50 points of the EMC history-geo subject of the patent (Moral and civic education), the science patent adds the last 50 points to the notation through final exams. Third-grade students are also, as a reminder, graded on 400 continuous assessment points. The final grade of the patent is therefore based on 50% continuous assessment and 50% final exams. It is necessary for memory to get at least 400 points out of 800 to obtain its patent.

If the first science and technology subjects have leaked, other science subjects from the 2022 patent are already available, in a well-regulated way this time. French college students abroad have already passed their tests, in particular that of science. The fallen subject in North America is therefore already known, just like that of the foreign examination centers of the 1st group. If it is a little late to revise, these subjects undoubtedly make it possible to identify some trends in the science and technology patent 2022… without cheating this time.

In North America, the candidates for the DNB took their patent exams a month before their comrades in France, on June 1 and 2. What topics fell for them? In science, this year the discipline of physics and chemistry was drawn for candidates in the general series. The theme associated with this subject was: “Exploration of the planet Mars”. Life and earth sciences were the second subject to be drawn, with the theme of the tsunami (“Preparing a population for the risk of a tsunami”; “Origin of a tsunami”; “seismogram”; ” propagation of seismic waves and the tsunami”).

In the 1st group of centers abroad

In the foreign centers of the 1st group, the 2022 patent science test in the general series took place on June 15th. The two disciplines chosen were Life and Earth Sciences and Technology, as for France this time. In Life and Earth Sciences, the theme addressed was “the impact of climate change on living beings”, based on the example of the “black flycatcher” bird (its reproduction period; its diet based on caterpillars with a reproduction cycle based on the breaking of leaves, among other things) and global warming in Switzerland. The last question asked in particular to “Explain the long-term consequences on the Flycatcher population of the advance of the peak in caterpillar abundance since 1995”. In the appendix, you had to fill in a diagram illustrating a food chain, and answer questions for several proposals on climate change, the egg-laying of pied flycatchers and the peak in abundance of caterpillars.

In technology, the theme of the composition was the treadmill. In particular, the questions addressed the technical functions of its various components; the energy chain of the rotation of the carpet; networking of three treadmills and a remote data server to collect the speed and heart rate of each runner and to consult the evolution of performance remotely. At the end of the subject, it was necessary to complete the boxes of a computer program allowing the operation of the treadmill in “beginner” mode or in “endurance” mode.

Probable subjects of the science and technology patent

The college patent science test, which this year covers themes related to SVT and technology, has also been the subject of several predictions from specialized sites in recent months. Certain subjects would be, according to the prognoses of the teachers, to be revised with more ardor: these are notions on the exploitation of natural resources and courses on meteorological and climatic phenomena.

What was the science subject of the previous edition of the college certificate? In general series, the college students had worked in 2021 on SVT and physics-chemistry (the technology not having been drawn by lot). In physics and chemistry, the subject had focused on “the causes of the melting of glaciers”; in life and earth sciences, photosynthesis and its mechanisms were at the heart of the subject:

The answer key for the science test for the general series is provided each year by our partner Studyrama as soon as specialized correctors have little access to the subjects and look into them. Check out the 2021 science patent answer key below to find out how a science teacher solved the test:

How many points are to be won for the patent science test?

The patent science test is graded each year out of 50 points (25 points per sub-subject), ie less than French and mathematics (100 points), but as much as history-geography. Up to 25 points are therefore up for grabs by students per subject. As a reminder, the certificate is scored on a total of 800 points between continuous assessment, written and oral exams, the dates of which have been staggered according to the establishments until Friday July 1st. You must obtain an average of 400 points to obtain the national patent diploma (DNB) at the end of this course.
