Warning! It can be fatal! Expert warned: ‘It is not a situation to be taken at risk’

Warning It can be fatal Expert warned It is not

With the arrival of the summer months, there has been a significant increase in diseases called ‘summer diarrhea’ or ‘tourist diarrhea’. Experts emphasized that bacteria multiply more in sunny and very hot regions and that food should be consumed quickly. İzmir Katip Çelebi University (İKÇÜ) Atatürk Education and Research Hospital Infectious Diseases Department Faculty Member Prof. Dr. Alper Şener drew attention to ‘summer diarrhea’, which can be fatal in some age groups, and said, “Especially in sunny regions and on beaches, when the sun is at its peak, the temperature can reach 40 degrees. Heat is something we do not want for bacteria. Consume products that you have prepared yourself in hot environments and on beaches in a short time. It is necessary to closely monitor especially those over the age of 65 and under the age of 5. It is not a situation that can be risked.”

Prof. Dr. Alper Şener, Infectious Diseases Department Member of the İKÇÜ Atatürk Education and Research Hospital, drew attention to the increase in diseases called ‘summer diarrhea’ or ‘tourist diarrhea’. Providing information about the disease, Prof. Dr. Şener said, “It is called a change in bowel habits. Sometimes it can be completely watery, and there can be stiffness. Nausea and vomiting can also occur. They are all different in clinical picture. Food poisoning accompanied by viruses or bacteria can also be in the form of food poisoning. It is actually both easy and difficult to distinguish one from the other. If you frequently defecate when you go to the toilet with abdominal pain, if it is in the form of water and if you have consumed a suspicious food a few days ago, you have food-related bowel habit change, that is, summer diarrhea.”


Prof. Dr. Şener, who stated that when unfamiliar foods are consumed during the summer vacation, sometimes during a change of location or country, there may be changes in bowel habits without any infectious disease, said, “This is also quite natural. When you look at the part related to food, if it is food poisoning, it is definitely accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Because there is a toxin in that food. It is a bacterial residue. It can cause nausea, vomiting, weakness, loss of appetite, muscle pain and fever. This sometimes severe diarrhea can be confused with enteric pathogens such as salmonella and shigella. Therefore, it is necessary to distinguish them from each other. Because antibiotic treatment must definitely be given in food poisoning.”


Prof. Dr. Alper Şener also touched upon ready-made foods and stated that these products could cause problems on beaches. Şener said, “For example, there are some ready-made foods. No matter how fast their circulation is in the summer months, they are prepared in bulk and turned into retail sales. For example, baked potato. As we all know, since mayonnaise, yogurt and other additives are added to these, bacterial accumulation occurs frequently. Accumulated bacteria cause symptoms such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhea in people. On the other hand, foods sold in open areas are also a bit of a criminal, unfortunately. Because the storage conditions of the ready-made food products used, such as sausages, salami and tomato paste, and the additives used become important. What needs to be paid attention to is that the food should not be exposed to temperatures above 19 to 20 degrees Celsius in order not to spoil. For example, it is a big problem on beaches. For example, mussels are a risky food in terms of contamination. Because some of these bacteria are actually serious bacteria that exist on our skin. You can even transmit these to it while eating. Therefore, even if you prepare it yourself, especially in open areas and on beaches, it becomes open to contamination on the beach. The ideal is to consume it within 3-6 hours. Pay attention to whether there are any drying, purification, rotting, melting, or slimy structures on the products you buy and eat,” he said.


Warning citizens, Prof. Dr. Şener said, “Especially in sunny regions and on beaches, when the sun is at its peak, the temperature can reach 40 degrees. Temperature is something we do not want for bacteria. Bacteria reproduce and settle very easily, and produce a lot of toxins. Therefore, consume products that you have prepared yourself in hot environments and on beaches in a short time. Because summer diarrhea that can occur with the consumption of such products can be fatal at certain ages. When we look at the polyclinic conditions, such patients apply to the emergency room more. It is necessary to closely monitor especially those over the age of 65 and under the age of 5. It is not a situation that can be risked.” (DHA)

