Warning for new snow chaos – 15 centimeters could fall here

Warning for new snow chaos 15 centimeters could fall

During Tuesday, a heavy snowstorm moved in over Sweden, which caused major problems in Götaland and Svealand.

Close to 14,000 households were without power in Götaland and eastern Svealand, and the snow caused traffic jams and accidents.

On Wednesday, the emergency services appealed to people to stay at home.

“We want to appeal to people not to go out in the morning traffic unless they absolutely have to. There are still stops in the northbound direction on the E4. We are in good contact with people who are still stuck and most are holding out,” says Goran Melin.

Queuing chaos on E4: Don’t go out into traffic

Queues of cars and trucks on the E4 northbound outside Jönköping. Photo: Mattias Landström/TTHThere will be snow on Thursday

Now there is new snow on the way. SMHI has issued a yellow warning for snowfall in parts of northwestern Götaland that applies during Thursday, from morning to evening.

– North of Gothenburg up over Uddevalla, Trollhättan and Dalsland there may be between 5 and 10 centimeters, in combination with fresh or strong gusts of wind. So it’s quite windy, he says Max Schildtmetrologist SMHI to News24 and continues:

– Locally, it could reach up to 15 centimeters during the warning period.

Rescue manager: E4 opened – but stay at home

Warning for slipping and drifting

The snow and wind can cause traffic to move slowly and slippery and drifting on the roads. There may also be problems with the electricity supply in areas with overhead power lines.

– Since the temperature is quite close to zero and a couple of minus degrees, this means that the snow can be quite heavy, says Max Schildt.

but it doesn’t end there.

During Friday, a new area of ​​snow moves in from the west, moving up over Götaland and southernmost and central Norrland.

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