Warning for new mass shootings in the US

Warning for new mass shootings in the US

There is great concern in the US for new mass shootings and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) states that the threat level in the country remains at an elevated level.

“In the coming months, we expect the threat level to become more dynamic as more events can be used to justify acts of violence against a number of different targets,” writes DHS.

According to the ministry, these targets could be large gatherings, religious congregations, minority groups and political opponents.

It also warns of an increased risk that someone or someone may have been inspired by the school shooting in Uvalde, Texas in May, when 19 students and two teachers were murdered by an 18-year-old, and want to perform similar acts.

“Individuals on various online forums who spread opinions from domestic violence extremists and conspiracy theorists have praised the massacre in Uvalde and encouraged others to similar acts,” it writes and continues:

“Others have taken the opportunity to try to spread disinformation and incite dissatisfaction, among other things by the school shooting being staged by the government in order to strengthen the gun laws.”

DHS also sees an increased threat in the wake of the Supreme Court’s forthcoming decision regarding the right to abortion, and in connection with the congressional election in November.
