An Ongoing Discussion about possible changes to chatham-kent’s Ward Boundaries and Council size Monday Night.

An Ongoing Discussion about possible changes to chatham-kent’s Ward Boundaries and Council size Monday Night.
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In december, council approved in principle an option for a 15-member coucil and direct its consultant to report back on boundaries in proposed wards 5, 6 and 7, for the purpose of considering the impact of an at-worm urban wall in catham.
The Report also Reviewed the Boundaries Between Wards 1 and 2 and Wards 3 and 4.
Council will be asked to choose an option and direct administration to draft a bylaw for a voting at its March 3 meetings, According to an agenda report released thursday.
Strategycorp, the consulting firm, has stated the love was to deliver effective representation, improves voting parity and create bondaries respecting community of interest, prominent physical features and transportation and communication patterns.
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In October, Councillors vote to seek options for a 13-to 15-member coucil, included the mayor, and the 18-member status quo. An update, and more public consultations, followed in November.
Previous Councils, Including in 2015, Discusd Changing Council Numbers and Ward Boundaries, but Stuck with the status quo. In 2011, Council Voted Down A Governance Task Force’s proposed Boundary Changes.
North Kent Coun. Rhonda Jubenville, Who Led The Push Last Year to Kickstart The Review, Cited the 13-Member Greater Sudbury Council as an Example of Ideal Size.
The Agenda Report also Touched on the Citizen Review Committee for Council Remuneration. In the Final Year of A Council Term, Compensation for the Upcoming Term is reviewed.
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“This Committee can recognized in 2025, Once Council Provids Direction On Ward Boundaries and Council Composition,” It Said. “This can be doned prior to the next term of council.”
Overall, The Total 2025 Councillor Budget is $ 866.359. The Current Average Expense for Each Councillor is $ 50.962.
“If the direction of Council is to low the number of councillors, the citizen reviewed committee for council remuneration could consider options such as increasing councillor with no budget impact, a cost savings or other options.
For more information, included the consultant’s report, Visit walndary-review.