Warcraft mobile: Blizzard reveals its live game tonight

Warcraft mobile Blizzard reveals its live game tonight

They say that mobile gaming is the future, and Blizzard has understood that. The video game giant presents Warcraft mobile to us tonight, a very mysterious iteration of its heroic-fantasy franchise.

If you are looking for information and images of mobile Warcraft, for the moment, as much to try to photograph the dahu. Blizzard remains extremely secret about everything surrounding this new release on small screens, not hesitating to go so far as to voluntarily confuse the clever little ones by throwing here and there false information on the web. An Azeroth-style clash of clans? From level 1 bandit to level 50 mafia boss in Orgrimmar? Very unlikely. But what we do know is that this Tuesday at 7 p.m. French time, Blizzard has a big surprise in store for us with the mobile Warcraft presentation. A game that we know is based on the universe that spawned World of Warcraft and Hearthstone, and which will be “a strategy game designed especially for mobile”.

You can find the presentation live on the Blizzard website starting tonight at 7 p.m. The opportunity for us plebeians to discover what Blizzard has concocted for us to spice up our journeys by bus, metro or train. A little last-minute information, it could be that the studio worked on two new mobile games this year, and that the first project, which took the form of a Pokémon Go with Warcraft sauce, was canceled in the first quarter of 2022. We therefore know that Warcraft mobile will not be a Pokémon Go-like. Information that is worth its weight in peanuts, and that we owe to recognized insiders like Jason Schreier (see tweet above).
