War Ukraine – Russia, last minute | Russia deploys dolphins in the Black Sea

War Ukraine Russia last minute Russia deploys dolphins

Zelensky warns of Russian arsenal

the ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelenskyhas returned to appear this morning and has ensured that the your country’s army has destroyed nearly 1,000 tanks, 2,500 armored vehicles and nearly 200 aircraft of the Russian forces. The Kremlin troops have therefore been weakened, but the president has warned of “The invaders still have equipment and missiles to attack the country.”

The head of government also said that he continues to talk with his allies to increase sanctions on Russia. “For Mariupol, for all the cities and communities in Ukraine, for the war crimes against our people. For the missiles and the bombings on Ukrainian territory,” she insisted. He has also indicated that the province of Dnipropetrovsk and Odessa were attacked with missiles. “Time and time again the Russian troops show that the people of Odessa are as much their enemy as the rest of the Ukrainians,” he added.
