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Zelensky speaks at the Grammy Awards

The President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyintervened in the gala of the 64 Grammy Awards with a previously recorded message in which he asked the artists present at the event to do not be silent in the face of the invasion because “there is nothing more opposed to war than music”.

“Silence is death, tell the truth in your lyrics, on networks or on television, but never be silent,” the president continued.

From the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas (USA), where the Grammys are being held exceptionally this year, Zelenski has had the opportunity to get your message across.

“Our musicians do not dress in suits, they have had to go out and fight to defend the freedom to love, live and have their music heard”, completed the head of the Ukrainian Executive from the same place where he usually makes his speeches.

Zelensky’s intervention ended with some hopeful words: “Peace will come to all our cities in Ukraine and we will be free as you are being today on the Grammy stage”.
