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Japan protests the expulsion of Japanese diplomats from Russia

The Government of Japan today transferred its protests to Moscow over the expulsion of eight Japanese diplomats from Russian territorya measure taken in retaliation for the similar decision taken earlier by Tokyo in the wake of the invasion of Ukraine.

“We cannot accept in any way the decision announced by Russia”stated today at a press conference the spokesman for the Japanese Executive, Hirokazu Matsuno, who also pointed out that Moscow bears “full responsibility” for the deterioration of bilateral relations.

The Russian Foreign Ministry announced the day before that it required eight Japanese diplomats to leave the country until May 10, “guiding by the principle of reciprocity”.

The official statement from Moscow added that all responsibility for this development of events fell on the Japanese governmentwhich “chose to renounce constructive and friendly relations” with Russia.

The Japanese government announced on April 8 the expulsion of eight Russian diplomats from its territory as retaliation for “war crimes” allegedly committed by Russian troops against Ukrainian civilians.

Among the eight diplomats who must leave Russia is not the Japanese ambassador, Toyohisa Kozukiaccording to sources from the Japanese Executive, like the diplomats previously expelled from Japan, they did not include the Russian ambassador, Mikhail Galuzin.
