War of the Worlds meets Don’t Look Up: Massive sci-fi thriller with Julia Roberts is coming to Netflix this year and the apocalypse begins in the first trailer

War of the Worlds meets Dont Look Up Massive sci fi

Two years after Dont Look Up, Netflix is ​​letting the world end again – and a huge star ensemble with it. Leave the World Behind is the name of the extremely prominent apocalypse thriller with Julia Roberts, Kevin Bacon, Mahershala Ali and Ethan Hawke. Directed by Sam Esmail. Watch the first trailer here, find out the plot and when the film will be released on Netflix.

The first trailer for Leave the World Behind shows the world coming to an end

Leave the World Behind – Teaser Trailer (German) HD

What is Leave the World Behind about?

In Leave the world behind A married couple (Julia Roberts and Ethan Hawke) just want to spend a quiet holiday weekend with their children. But a city-wide power outage forces them and their landlords into an oppressive situation. And it is becoming increasingly clear: the threat goes far beyond a power outage. The close, familial perspective is reminiscent of sci-fi horror visions like War of the Worlds and, most recently, Nope.

What does former President Barack Obama have to do with the film?

Barack and Michelle Obama’s company Higher Ground co-produced the film for Netflix. And the former head of state didn’t hold back with suggestions, director Sam Esmail told Vanity Fair. Obama found some parts of the story too pessimistic. For the most part, the script and presidential experience matched:

I write from a fictional perspective and of course try to write as realistically as possible, but I probably still exaggerate and dramatize a lot. And to hear an ex-president say that I’m only wrong about a few details… I thought there were a lot more!When is Leave the World Behind coming to Netflix?

Leave the World Behind premieres on Netflix on December 8, 2023. Before that, the film could receive a limited theatrical release.

These are the 8 best Netflix films of all time

We looked at the titles from the past few years and picked out the eight best Netflix original films.

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From brutal war dramas to dreamy fantasy adventures, from blockbusters to insider tips: you can discover some strong original films on Netflix. Even the long-lost work of a master director has appeared on the streaming service.

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