War in Ukraine: TikTok at the heart of the conflict

War in Ukraine TikTok at the heart of the conflict

The social network TikTok finds itself in a central position for access to information concerning the war in Ukraine, thanks to the videos shared by people on the spot. However, investigators are struggling to find, verify and archive the original videos and criticize the platform, which has so far refused to comply with their requests.

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The invasion of Ukraine showed how modern technologies have changed all aspects of warfare. This includes smartphones and the many photos and videos published on social networks, which allow you to follow the progress of the fights live. The platform TikTokin particular, is very popular with young people Ukrainians and Russians.

The social network is a real gold mine for those who investigate about the atrocities committed and the videos could constitute evidence of war crimes. However, access,archiving and verification of these videos are problematic. TikTok is notably led to delete many videos with graphic violence or misinformation such as propaganda or simply fake accounts that take advantage of the news to obtain views or donations from Internet users.

Videos difficult to archive

Specialists criticize the way in which theapplication manages the data, with non-chronological newsfeeds or the repost of edited and remixed videos that make it very difficult to find the original. Moreover, 90% of deleted videos are deleted before anyone sees them. ” TikTok is one of the newer and more difficult platforms, from a data collection point of view, because its [mécanismes de partage] are not as rich as, for example, Twitter or Facebook said David Hasman, who oversees data analysis at the International Criminal Court.

The firm, which belongs to the Chinese giant ByteDance, has been taking part in meetings for several months with, in particular, activists and lawyers specialized in human rights, but has so far made none of the requested changes.

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