War in Ukraine: the United States prepares for Russian cyberattacks

War in Ukraine the United States prepares for Russian cyberattacks

As in 2016, when Russia disrupted the presidential election to favor Donald Trump, the United States anticipates large-scale Russian cyberattacks. The FBI has thus detected suspicious activities linked to Russian IP addresses. In the event of a proven cyberattack, it would be considered a “war attack”.

During a press briefing, the White House warned US companies that Russia was preparing to launch cyberattacks against sensitive US infrastructure. A statement based in particular on FBI findings. On March 18, the American secret services discovered that computer hackers associated with IP addresses Russians had scanned the networks of five American energy companies.

Deputy National Security Advisor Anne Neuberger speaks of ” preparatory activity » to cyberattacks which she says could include scanning websites and scanning for software vulnerabilities. According to Jen Easterly, director of the US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, this is not espionage, but activity ” disruptive or destructive”. In total, about twenty American companies in sectors, such as defense and financial services, are in the sights of hackers.

The private sector on high alert

The scale of Russia’s cyber capability is quite substantial and it is coming”, President Joe Biden summed up Monday to the leaders of these companies. These potential attacks would be a response to US sanctions against Russia for its invasion of Ukraine, the White House has said. ” We have previously warned of the potential for Russia to carry out cyberattacks against the United States, particularly in response to the unprecedented economic costs that the United States, its Allies and partners have imposed in response to the new invasion of Ukraine by Russia”, confirms Anne Neuberger.

Today, we reiterate those warnings, and we do so based on evolving threat intelligence that the Russian government is exploring options for potential cyberattacks on sensitive infrastructure in the United States. » According to her, federal agencies convened more than 100 companies to share new information on cybersecurity threats, as well as resources and tools to help companies strengthen their security.

A cyberattack would be considered an act of war

On the Russian side, we formally deny any preparation for a computer attack. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov has thus told reporters : “ The Russian Federation, unlike many Western countries, including the United States, does not engage in banditry at the state level”. Russia had already denied being behind hacks of Ukrainian government sites in February, as well as Ukrainian banks.

Let us remember that Western leaders have repeatedly warned that a cyberattack of Moscow against a NATO member state could trigger the Western treaty’s collective defense clause known as Article 5. This article states that, if a NATO country falls victim to an armed attack, each member of the Alliance will consider this act of violence as an armed attack directed against all members and will take the measures it deems necessary to come to the aid of the country attacked.

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