War in Ukraine: the drone revolution

War in Ukraine the drone revolution

Bayraktar TB2, DJI Mavic Pro, Shahed… only military circles or model-making geeks knew about these drone references a year ago. The Russian invasion of Ukraine almost a year ago will have made them known to the general public. “There will be a before and an after Ukraine,” says Xavier Tytelman, aeronautics and defense consultant, with whom we made this video.

L’Express tells you, in a long format of around twenty minutes, how the Ukrainians succeeded, thanks to the support of Westerners, but also and above all through their ingenuity, in rebalancing the balance of power on the battlefield at the using their drones. A lesson, for all military strategists, who observe day by day the way in which the “drone doctrine” is written, that is to say the way in which this weapon must be used in good intelligence with the artillery , infantry and air force. In short, a revolution in the way in which a combined arms battle group must be conducted today.
