War in Ukraine: bombs fall again, new attack on Dombass?

War in Ukraine bombs fall again new attack on Dombass

  • What are Russia’s intentions in this war in Ukraine? The Russian Ministry of Defense announced earlier this week a reduction in its military activities and announced a ceasefire for this Thursday in the port of Mariupol. But Western observers, including France, are skeptical. The ceasefire must allow the opening of a humanitarian corridor.
  • The Kremlin maintains the vagueness: Russia has indicated that the talks have produced nothing "very promising" on a peace agreement, and offensives are still observed in the country. The United Kingdom indicated this Thursday 31 mats in an official statement signed by the Minister of Defense that "despite Russian statements announcing an intentional reduction in military activity around Chernihiv, heavy Russian shelling and missile strikes continued". And to add that "heavy fighting continues in Mariupol". Many Russian military forces are still around kyiv.
  • On Facebook last night, the Ukrainian General Staff said it expected, "short term", an intensification of conflicts in certain areas of the country. Ukraine target"the Russian will to besiege the city of Cherniguiv". In the direction of Dombass," the enemy tries to take control of Popasna, Rubizhne, and seize Mariupol" indicates the Ukrainian army, which points the continuation "attacks" in this region.
  • According to the Ukrainian army, 17,300 Russian soldiers have been killed since the start of the war, according to the latest report on Wednesday.
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IN PICTURES – War in Ukraine: Resistance

Anti-tank barriers are placed near a house painted in the colors of the Ukrainian flag, near the village of Malaya Alexandrovka, on the outskirts of kyiv, on March 30, 2022. Consult our slideshow on the War in Ukraine by clicking on the photo.

READ MORE document.getElementById(“jLiveMore”).onclick = function(element) element.preventDefault(); var node = element.target,content = document.getElementById(“jContentLiveMore”).innerHTML,contentUnRot13 = content.replace(/[a-zA-Z]/g,function(c)return String.fromCharCode((c=(c=c.charCodeAt(0)+13)?c:c-26);),finalContent = contentUnRot13.replace(/\/ /g, “/”); node. style. display = “none”; node.parentElement.innerHTML += finalContent; ; Yn Ehffvr iref har bssrafvir znffvir qnaf y’rfg qr y’Hxenvar ?Yr 31 znef &ntenir; 9u15. YRF vagragvbaf ehffrf fbag rapber qvssvpvyrzrag NCCE & rnphgr; uraqnoyrf pr wrhqv 31 znef, cyhf q & ncbf; ha zbvf nce & rtenir f yr q & rnphgr; ohg qr yn threer rg qrhk wbhef nce & rtenir; f y & ncbf; naabapr q & ncbf; ha ercyv fgeng & rnphgr; tvdhr rg ha erphy qr y & ncbf ;npgvivg&rnphgr; zvyvgnver. &dhbg;Yrf sbeprf ehffrf pbagvahrag qr grave qrf cbfvgvbaf &ntenir; y&efdhb;rfg rg &ntenir; y&efdhb;bhrfg qr Xvri znyte&rnphgr; yr ergenvg q&efdhb;ha abzoer yvzvg&rnphgr; q&efdhb;havg&rnphgr;f&dhbg;, n vaqvdh&rnphgr; yr zvavfg&rtenir;er qr yn Q&rnphgr;srafr oevgnaavdhr qnaf ha pbzzhavdh&rnphgr;. Y & ncbf; nose & rnphgr r hxenvavraar fr QVG ge & rtenir f fprcgvdhr nhce & rtenir f qr y & ncbf; NSC rg this & rnphgr; RBAP dhr YRF pbafgngngvbaf fhe yr greenva fbag pynverf: & dhbg; Qnaf yn qverpgvba qr Qbargfx, & aofc; y & ncbf; raarzv gragr qr ceraqer yr pbage & bpvep ;yr qr Cbcnfan, Ehovmuar, rg qr f&ncbf;rzcnere qr Znevbhcby&dhbg;. Qnaf y&ncbf;rfg qh cnlf, rager Xunexvi &ntenir; Gpubhtbh&vhzy;i, har ongnvyyr qr unhgr vagrafvg&rnphgr; ivrag qr f&ncbf;npurire&aofc;&dhbg;Vy ln qrf pnqnierf ehffrf &rnphgr;cnecvyy&rnphgr;f cnegbhg. […] Yrf pbzongf bag &rnphgr;g&rnphgr; ge&rtenir;f qhef, enccebpu&rnphgr;f cnesbvf qr qvk z&rtenir;gerf. &Pprqvy;nn qhe&rnphgr; ce&rtenir;f qr gebvf wbhef&dhbg;, n&aofc;nffhe&rnphgr; &nhold; y&ncbf;NSC ha bssvpvre qh erafrvtarzrag hxenvavra. Yn Senapr snvg &rnphgr;tnyrzrag yn pbafgngngvba dhr yr pbasyvg creqher. &dhbg;Yn threer pbagvahr. Cbhe y&ncbf;vafgnag, vy a&ncbf;ln &ntenir; zn pbaanvffnapr av crep&rnphgr;r av abhirnhg&rnphgr;&dhbg;, n vafvfg&rnphgr; uvre fbve&aofc;yr purs qr yn qvcybzngvr sena&pprqvy;nvfr, Wrna-Lirf Yr Qevna.Prggr ahvg, yr ce&rnphgr;fvqrag hxenvavra Ibybqlzle Mryrafxl n vaqvdh&rnphgr; ar&dhbg;cnf pebver&dhbg; yn cnebyr ehffr, pbzcgr grah qr yn fvghngvba zvyvgnver.&aofc;&dhbg;Yrf Ehffrf bag rapber hgvyvf&rnphgr; qrf bohf nh cubfcuber, &ntenir;&aofc;Zne&vhzy;axn&dhbg; uvre,&aofc;n q&ncbf;nvyyrhef q&rnphgr;pyne&rnphgr; yr purs qr y&efdhb;nqzvavfgengvba zvyvgnver qr yn e&rnphgr;tvba qr Qbargfx, fhe Gryrtenz prggr ahvg.&aofc;&dhbg;Har qvmnvar q&efdhb;vapraqvrf&aofc;bag &rnphgr;g&rnphgr; ybpnyvf&rnphgr;f rg bag &rnphgr;g&rnphgr; zn&vpvep;gevf&rnphgr;f cne yr crefbaary qh freivpr angvbany qrf fvghngvbaf q&efdhb;hetrapr&dhbg;, ng-vy qvg.Yr tbhirearzrag hxenvavra irhg gbhg qr z&rpvep;zr pebver ra y&ncbf;bccbeghavg&rnphgr; t&rnphgr;a&rnphgr;e&rnphgr;r cne yr prffrm-yr-srh &ntenir; Znevbhcby. &dhbg;Prggr ahvg, abhf nibaf &rnphgr;g&rnphgr; vasbez&rnphgr;f cne yr Pbzvg&rnphgr; vagreangvbany qr yn Pebvk-Ebhtr dhr yn Ehffvr &rnphgr;gnvg ce&rpvep;gr &ntenir; bhieve y&efdhb;npp&rtenir;f nhk pbaibvf uhznavgnverf qrchvf Znevbhcby&dhbg;, n vaqvdh&rnphgr; pr zngva Velan Irerpugpubhx, ivpr-cerzv&rtenir;er zvavfger hxenvavraar&aofc;qnaf har ivq&rnphgr;b cbfg&rnphgr;r fhe&aofc;Gryrtenz. Har bc&rnphgr;engvba fr zrg ra cynpr cbhe &rnphgr;inphre yrf pvivyf ra&aofc;qverpgvba qr yn ivyyr qr Mncbevwvr, ra cnffnag cne Oreqvnafx, nirp 45 ohf nsse&rnphgr;g&rnphgr;f.

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Location cards

Since the start of the conflict, maps have played a key role in understanding the Russian military operation and in monitoring the situation in Ukraine live. Several press agencies, but also specialized institutes and French, Ukrainian and international media, offer maps and graphics updated daily. Some of these cards offer real-time tracking of the latest events, others focus on the major events of the last 24 hours.
