War in Ukraine and information: how to manage anxiety?

War in Ukraine and information how to manage anxiety

Today, we have a continuous flow of information via different channels. The situation in Ukraine is so volatile that it is extremely difficult to resist the temptation of a permanent connection to information. In this context, how do we manage our level of stress?

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During the two years of health crisis of Covid-19, we were saturated with continuous information: number of deaths and daily cases, number of beds occupied in intensive care, appearance of new variants, resistance to vaccines… How to miss this flood of anxiety-provoking data? Information is everywhere: television, radio, social networksand of course Internet. Even if you managed to detach yourself from the media, the subject would come back immediately via conversations with your colleagues, friends, neighborhood merchants.

If the coronavirus pandemic seems to end or at least mark pauseanother crisis started 10 days ago: the war in Ukraine, the doors from Europe. And this one could well be even more anxiety-provoking, in particular because of the regular allusions to a potential nuclear war. How to manage the anxiety generated by this avalanche bad news?

Anxiety about the situation is legitimate

First thing to accept: the anxiety generated by the crisis in Ukraine is natural and legitimate. And it is quite normal to feel a need, perhaps more important than usual, to consult the media to know the progress of the situation. You should also know that we do not all react in the same way to this type of situation, depending on our state of life, our experience or our temperament.

On the other hand, some reactions are excessive and should alert. Like, for example, no longer succeeding in detaching oneself from the chains of continuous information and finding oneself unable to concentrate at work or to accomplish the usual daily tasks.

Several major facts in a very short time

In addition, it must unfortunately be recognized that the current context is particularly anxiety-provoking. The war in Ukraine broke out against the backdrop of the Covid-19 crisis and climate change. Three major events therefore that affect our basic needs: our health and our safety, or even our survival quite simply.

Two of these facts started several years ago: the climate change with an acceleration lately and the coronavirus pandemic. The war in Ukraine has only just begun and seems to be part of the duration, as does climate change. Second thing to know: we can talk about chronic stress. Added to this chronic stress is uncertainty: when will the war in Ukraine end? When will we have a solution to climate change? Chronic stress and uncertainty mathematically breed anxiety. In view of the context, it is therefore also a question of being indulgent with ourselves and with our loved ones.

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