War, energy and sanctions: Draghi’s words in Strasbourg

War energy and sanctions Draghis words in Strasbourg

(Finance) – “I’m really happy to be here, in the heart of the European democracy. First of all, I want to pay homage to the memory of David Sassoli, who chaired the European Parliament in very difficult years. During the pandemic, Parliament continued to meet, discuss, decide, reflecting its institutional vitality and the leadership of Sassoli who never stopped working on what he defined in his last speech to the European Council, a a new project of hope for ‘a Europe that innovates, that protects, that enlightens’.

The Fr.remier Mario Draghi he made his debut in his first speech as premier in the front to the European Parliament pointing out that “The war in Ukraine places the European Union in front of one of the most serious crises in its history. A crisis that is both humanitarian, security, energy and economic “.

“The aggression of Ukraine by Russia – said Draghi – has the greatest achievement of the European Union is called into question: peace in our continent “. “A peace based on respect for territorial borders, the rule of law, democratic sovereignty; on the use of diplomacy as a means of resolving disputes between states”. “We must support Ukraine, its government and its people, as President Zelensky has asked and continues to ask to do. In a war of aggression there can be no equivalence between those who invade and those who resist “.

“Italy, as a founding country of the European Union, as a country that deeply believes in peace, it is ready to engage on the front line to reach a diplomatic solution “.

“The war in Ukraine – the Prime Minister pointed out – has shown the profound vulnerability of many of our countries towards Moscow. Italy is one of the most exposed member states”. “A similar energy dependence it is economically imprudent, and geopolitically dangerous. Italy intends to take all the decisions necessary to defend its own security and that of Europe. We supported the sanctions that the EU has decided to impose on Russia, including those in the energy sector. We will continue to do so with the same conviction in the future. “” In Italy, in the first 4 months of this year, the price of electricity quadrupled compared to the same period last year with a very severe impact on the economy “.” L ‘Italy, alone, has spent about 30 billion euros this year “. But” the problem is systemic and must be solved with structural solutions that break the link between the price of gas and that of electricity. The energy cost problem will be at the center of the next European Council. There is a need for strong and immediate decisions “.

“The European institutions that our predecessors built over the past decades have served European citizens well, but they are inadequate for the reality that is manifesting itself today.” “We need a pragmatic federalism, which embraces all areas affected by the transformations underway: from the economy, to energy, to security. If this requires the beginning of a path that will lead to the revision of the Treaties, it is hugs with courage and trust “, he added.

“The full integration of the countries that manifest European aspirations – said Draghi – does not represent a threat to the stability of the European project. It is part of its realization. Italy supports the immediate opening of accession negotiations with Albania and with North Macedonia, in line with the decision taken by the European Council in March 2020. We want to give new impetus to the negotiations with Serbia and Montenegro, and to ensure the utmost attention to the legitimate expectations of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo. We are in favor of the entry of all these countries and we want Ukraine to join the EU “.

“If Italy is in favor of the embargo on all fossil energies? We supported the EU sanctions” and “we will continue to do so in the future as well. But” we must also “work hard to become independent. We have done it and will continue to do so “.
