Wanted woman arrested

Police avoided head on collision Blenheim man arrested

Chatham-Kent police were advised that a woman wanted on a warrant was at a Grand Avenue West address in Chatham.

Police arrived and found her. She was arrested and taken to police headquarters.

The 29-year-old Chatham woman was charged with failing to comply with a probation order. She was released with conditions and a short date.

Lease breach charge

Police responded to a domestic disturbance on St. Clair Street in Chatham and found a woman on the property’s front lawn.

She was bound by a release order not to be within a specific distance of that address and was arrested, police said.

The 42-year-old Chatham woman was charged with failing to comply with an undertaking. She was taken to headquarters and held for bail.

Failure to wait short

Police responded to a theft complaint at Walmart in Wallaceburg.

Officers heard the suspect had left the store but were provided with a description.

Police located a suspect a short distance away and learned she was wanted on a warrant for failing to attend court.

The 38-year-old Chatham woman was taken to headquarters and held for bail.
