Want to see Orange on a big screen? This is possible at these 67 locations in our province

Want to see Orange on a big screen This is

Can you just rent a screen and broadcast the European Championships?

This varies per municipality. For example, no permit is required to install a screen in a catering business. But, that’s how it goes policy rule of the municipality of Amersfoort, “a screen may not be placed in such a way that the match can be viewed from the terrace belonging to that occasion.”

A stricter policy applies to outdoor screens. For example, installing screens in public spaces is only permitted for the quarter-finals, semi-finals and finals of the tournament. And only during matches where the Dutch national team plays.

This is no different in the municipality of Utrecht. A spokesperson said that screens may be placed on squares if an event permit has been applied for. “At the moment, one permit has been applied for and granted, which concerns Brusselplein.”

In addition, Utrecht catering entrepreneurs are allowed to install screens on their terraces if they meet certain conditions. They must report this to the municipality. If residents want to place a screen together on the street to watch, they can report this as a street party. One report has also been received for this so far.”
