Want to go out but no one to accompany you? Assortickets allows you to find solitaires who share the same passions as you. Let yourself be tempted by a cultural or sporting activity among strangers, and without a second thought!

Want to go out but no one to accompany you

Want to go out but no one to accompany you? Assortickets allows you to find solitaires who share the same passions as you. Let yourself be tempted by a cultural or sporting activity among strangers, and without a second thought!

While we are more and more digitally connected, the number of single people in France continues to gradually increase. According to the latest INSEE report, 21% of our compatriots are affected by loneliness, including 83% who suffer from it. Not everyone has loved ones available or who share the same passions. Result: it is much more difficult to go out alone, because it can be a source of stress or anxiety, not to mention that there is no magic in sharing.

We can then turn to dating sites to, precisely, meet people and find someone with whom to share activities – not that kind of activity, you rascals –, but the relationships then start with an ambiguity, source of confusion – even if you specify that you are looking for “friends” on Tinder, suitors never come without an ulterior motive. Also, to enrich the social life of more than 11 million single people in France, a new application, Assortickets, will soon land on our mobiles. Taking up the concept of We will leave! and of All My Outings, two sites promoting meetings and friendly outings, it aims to connect single people sharing the same interest in cultural and sporting leisure activities, so that they find outing companions who suit them. Unlike its competitors, it emphasizes the quantity and quality of events.

© Assortickets

Assortickets: cultural and sporting outings for singles

Assortickets is aimed at those who have a limited, if not zero, social network. This can be following a move, an expatriation, overbooked relatives – you know, those who need to be notified a month in advance to go for a drink – or who do not share the same interests, a divorce, to exclusively virtual friendships, mobility difficulties or even the absence of a vehicle. The only condition: be over 18 years old. Here, a few clicks will be enough to put you in touch with people who are geographically close and share similar passions.

© Assortickets

Unlike romantic dating platforms or traditional social networks, the particularity of Assortickets is to emphasize cultural and sporting leisure activities, in order to create a common passion between its members. To do this, it relies on the magic of its algorithms, which will be based on various criteria such as specific interests, outing preferences and geographic proximity. Currently, we find the same type of outings as on Billetréduc type ticket offices, namely theaters, shows, concerts, circuses, exhibitions, etc., with more than 7,000 events available. In the medium and long term, the platform aims to collaborate with cultural and sporting institutions to offer exclusive offers to its members.

Assortickets: free and paid subscriptions

Speaking of members, Assortickets will offer two types of offers. The first, for the “Watchers”, will be free, while that for the “Scouters”, will be paid – with two options to choose from. Watchers will have the possibility to apply unlimitedly for activities, proposed by Scouts or directly through the application. All they have to do is click on “I’m interested” to submit their profile and hope to be chosen.

© Assortickets

Scouts will also be able to apply for activities offered by the app, based on three of their passions and their geolocation, by clicking on “I organize”, in order to be the point of contact for the outing. They will then only have to choose their acolytes from among the Watchers and Scouts volunteers. Once the perfect match is found, a chat will open so they can plan their excursion together. The Éclaireurs will also be able to propose their own activities, which are then verified and validated by the team. Note that a function also allows you to offer transport – provided you have a vehicle – or even to signal a PMR to accompany or be accompanied when this proves necessary to go out. It is also possible to boost an event – ​​up to three boosts per month – if the date of the latter is close and if more applications are needed. The paid subscription will be priced at 49.99 euros for six months, with a weekly and monthly version to come.
