Want to Boost Your Self-Esteem? Find Out How Many Compliments You Need Each Week

Want to Boost Your Self Esteem Find Out How Many Compliments

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    Do you like receiving compliments? That’s perfectly normal, given the powerful power these words have on our self-esteem. But how many compliments per week do you need to receive to do that? Science has answered this question.

    “Your work is impressive!”, “This blouse really flatters you”, “You really look radiant!”… By reading these few sentences, you have been able to feel the benefits of receiving compliments. But how many do you need to hear each week to really boost your self-esteem?

    We have all experienced it: when we hear a compliment, whether it is about our work, our appearance or our character, an immense surge of satisfaction immediately invades us. Compliments play an important role in our emotional balance. They act like little rays of sunshine, which brighten our day. And boost our confidence and self-esteem. They are therefore precious and should not be neglected.

    How many compliments per week should you ideally receive?

    While compliments are nice to hear, is there a minimum threshold to get benefits from them? Yes, science has proven it. A study from the University of Miami set the threshold of three compliments per week, necessary to have a positive impact on oneself, in terms of personal satisfaction. Indeed, compliments allow our brain to release endorphins, the hormones of happiness and act by improving self-image, which we can tend to judge too harshly.

    Feeling good in your body, feeling good in your head!

    (Giving) yourself compliments regularly is important.

    Finally, know that the quality of compliments counts more than their quantity. A compliment directed precisely will be stronger than a banality uttered in passing during a conversation. If you have to compliment someone, think about it and be authentic, specific and choose the right moment to say it. And don’t forget to compliment yourself on a daily basis. Because as the saying goes: “you can never be better served than by yourself”.

    The consequences of low self-esteem on relationships with others

    Slide: The consequences of low self-esteem on relationships with others
