Walking in loved one’s memory, for Sarnia Alzheimer Society

Walking in loved ones memory for Sarnia Alzheimer Society

Nettie Rops was happy, even as Alzheimer’s robbed her memory, her daughter says.

“We were really lucky,” said Anita Duncan, one of nine siblings — all ambassadors in this year’s IG Wealth Management Walk for Alzheimer’s in Sarnia, May 28.

“She was sweet and happy right to her last days,” said Duncan.

About 60 in her family participated in the annual fundraising walk last May, after Rops died in March, 2022, she said. Rops was 82.

“The entire group of us, so our spouses, our children, their girlfriends, boyfriends, all the grandchildren,” took part, Duncan said.

The walk that raises money towards local support programs and services for people living with Alzheimer’s and dementia, in its return to an in-person event last year, had 300 participants and raised $54,000, said Alzheimer Society of Sarnia-Lambton spokesperson Kylie Marsden, in an email.

About 1,500 people access the society’s services, though there are 3,000 at any given time in Sarnia-Lambton over age 65 with dementia, she said.

That doesn’t include others with early onset of the incurable disease type, Marsden said, noting for every person diagnosed the society estimates there are two care partners impacted.

“It’s a terrible disease because you just basically watch your loved one become an empty shell,” said Duncan, noting Rops spent about three years at Lambton Meadowview Villa before her final days at home.

“We just want to raise funds so that we can help other families who have loved ones going through it, if there’s anything they need,” she said.

Some in the group of 60 who walked for Nettie Rops at the IG Wealth Management Walk for Alzheimer's in Sarnia in 2022. (Submitted)
Some in the group of 60 who walked for Nettie Rops at the IG Wealth Management Walk for Alzheimer’s in Sarnia in 2022. (Submitted)

“The Alzheimer Society was always really good to reach out to us and help us with things, so this is just our way to give back.”

The 3,000-step walk in Sarnia, its eighth year in Sarnia, Marsden said, is 9 am to 1 pm starting at the Suncor Agora in Centennial Park.

A $10-per-ticket pancake breakfast follows, she said.

Registration details are available at alzheimer.ca/sarnialambtonshe said.

A similar walk in Petrolia also debuted this year May 13, Marsden said, noting it drew 86 people and raised more than $8,000.

The inaugural event’s fundraising goal was $5,000, she said.

Hopes are to attend both walks next year, said Duncan, noting her family lives in Wyoming and Petrolia.

The walk in Sarnia last year “was a great experience,” she said about why her family is continuing, this time as ambassadors.

It brought them all together in memory of Rops, she said.

“We think of mom many times throughout the year of course, but it’s the one year that we dedicate to Alzheimer’s awareness,” she said.

[email protected]


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