Certain rewards in WoW Dragonflight scale with your current item level. You should therefore only redeem them later. MeinMMO reveals how to get the most out of the rewards.
why should i wait As reported by wowhead, many of the open world rewards in WoW Dragonflight scale with the items you are carrying. Put simply, the better your gear, the better your rewards will be.
Since November 30th you can complete a number of activities from which you can draw epic items. However, some of these are limited to one reward per week or become weaker as you complete them more frequently. The most important of these are:
When should I redeem rewards? As a rule of thumb, remember that you should claim the rewards on Tuesday. From there, your item level is unlikely to increase much further this week.
However, since not everyone has all Tuesday to complete the events in one go, you should at least have completed all Mythic Dungeons for the week. These have a fixed loot level of 372.
However, you can complete the “Support the Accords” quest and then keep it in the quest log to turn in on Tuesday – before the weekly reset on Wednesday. In any case, try to improve your equipment as much as possible before claiming the rewards.
Dragonflight was released on November 29, 2022. You can find all the information about the new expansion in our special. The trailer gives you an overview of the most important features:
WoW shows the most important features of Dragonflight in the gameplay trailer, fans praise: “Finally hype again”
WoW Dragonflight: Farm epic gear and increase item levels
Dungeons are the best way to improve your equipment after reaching level 70. In principle, you can complete heroic and mythical dungeons with a group as soon as you reach level 70 if you are sure that you can do it.
Otherwise, PvP and world quests are great for getting improvements. Another particularly popular method is farming rare mobs in the open world. The loot here also scales with your equipped level, but you can get loot from every opponent on a daily basis. This was adjusted after players exploited the system.
Loot from rare enemies can even reportedly reach item level 378, which is stronger than possible in mythic dungeons. You can find more tips on how to further improve your character from level 70 in our guide.
If you are very unlucky and have not received any improvements or simply want to improve individual slots, resort to crafting and trading. In the guild or in the auction house you will surely find offers for items that will help you.
Alternatively, you can make your own strong equipment, as a blacksmith, tailor or jeweler, for example. Professions are really worthwhile in Dragonflight, even if they are complex. If you want to craft yourself, here are some tips on how to get better faster:
Skill professions in WoW Dragonflight – This is how it works faster