voting instructions, withdrawal, the parties are already preparing the second round

voting instructions withdrawal the parties are already preparing the second

The first round of early legislative elections has not yet passed, but the parties are already preparing the second. Because in the face of the National Rally wave, the question of voting instructions is working on the New Popular Front and the presidential alliance, as is the opportunity for certain candidates to withdraw. A column published in the newspaper The world this Tuesday, June 25 calls for a transpartisan agreement to block the far right.

3 mins

How to prevent the RN from obtaining a majority in the National Assembly? This involves a mutual withdrawal agreement, defend this platform. The text signed by more than 220 personalities from the left and the center focuses on the question of triangulars in the second round. A triangular is the case where three candidates manage to qualify by exceeding the threshold of 12.5% ​​of those registered. The higher the participation, the greater the chances of seeing this configuration present in the second round. However, almost two thirds of French people plan to vote on Sunday compared to half in 2022. At the time, there were only eight triangulars. This time, there could be several dozen with an RN candidate, another New Popular Front (NFP) and one from the presidential camp.

The signatories therefore ask the NFP and the Macronist alliance to enter into an agreement now stipulating that the candidate with the lowest ranking in a triangular section withdraws in favor of the other in order to prevent the RN from winning the constituency.

Among the signatories the bosses of the PS and Place publique Olivier Faure and Raphaël Glucksmann, the leader of the environmentalists Marine Tondelier, the outgoing Macronist deputies Clément Beaune and Agnès Pannier-Runacher or even personalities from civil society including the former leaders of the CFDT and CGT unions, Laurent Berger and Philippe Martinez. But no rebels, no communists, no leading leaders of Renaissance, Horizons du MoDem, or Republicans, however, they too are called to take a position.

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Internal debates

Explanation of the absence of communist signatories, a PCF leader explains that he is first waiting for the presidential camp to clarify its position. Because for the moment, the strategy carried by Emmanuel Macron And Gabriel Attal is rather to put “the extremes” back to back as they describe them: RN and NFP. Rather logical, because the challenge of the first round for the Macronists is above all to finish ahead of the union of the left and the environmentalists, in order to benefit from the Republican barrier in the second round, as during the 2017 and 2022 presidential elections.

The voices from the left had ensured Emmanuel Macron’s double victory. The risk is that NFP voters will not go to the polls on July 7, especially when they hear Minister Aurore Bergé say that her camp is best placed to block not the RN, but the New Popular Front …

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A call that risks not being heard by voters

We realize how difficult this choice is given the importance of the differences » admits this forum, while warning against “ this dangerous illusion » that once in power, the extreme right “ would demonstrate his incapacity to manage the country “. “ We know when she comes to power “, continue the signatories, “ but we never know when and how she will leave him. »

But above all it will be necessary to convince the voters. According to an Odoxa poll published this Tuesday, June 25, the French would in reality be more willing to block the New Popular Front than the National Rally. The NFP appears as the political scarecrow in the presidential camp, on the right and on the extreme right. At Renaissance for example, 71% of those questioned announced that they wanted to block the left and environmentalists, compared to 65% in Marine Le Pen’s party.

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