Voter turnout historically high in Kashmir – struggle for coexistence

In addition to India and Pakistan’s claim to the entire state, there are also Kashmiris who prefer to rule themselves.

There used to be a measure of autonomy – but in 2019 it was withdrawn by India’s ruling party, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).

In connection with the central government in Delhi taking over, several local politicians and scores of independence activists were imprisoned, while the internet and mobile networks were shut down for periods.

“Gives us the opportunity to show our dissatisfaction”

Now local politicians see their chance to reach out.

– The election gives us the opportunity to show our dissatisfaction, start the fight and through the parliament tell the people of India that the decisions were made against our will, says Aga Syed Ruhullah, leader of the Jammu & Kashmir National Conference party.

Foreign journalists are not allowed to visit Kashmir, but SVT has obtained unique material through the local photojournalist Syed Shahriyar – see it in the clip.
