“Voodoo” didn’t help Dallas as Edmonton came from behind to win in the NHL conference finals | Sport

Voodoo didnt help Dallas as Edmonton came from behind to

The Edmonton Oilers managed to even out the wins in the Western Conference final series by defeating the Dallas Stars 5–2.

Jaakko Servo,

Kamilla Rajander

The Edmonton Oilers took their second win in the NHL’s Western Conference final series when they beat the Dallas Stars 5-2 early on Thursday Finnish time.

Dallas had a great start to the match, as they opened their scoring account in the first minute of the match. Barely five minutes later, the guests already led by two goals.

Dallas’ second hit was strongly the work of the Finns, because Esa Lindell hit the puck into the net and Miro Heiskanen was another pitcher.

The goal was Lindell’s third and fifth overall power point of the playoffs. Heiskanen has scored a total of 16 points (6+10) in the spring deciding games.

Oilers’ shots and, by extension, scoring attempts were few during the first eight minutes of the match. Edmonton was given a sarcastic round of applause by the home fans when it finally got its first shot on Dallas’ goal around midway through the period.

After the opening set, only Edmonton scored goals. It managed to close the two-goal gap in the first third of the match.

– We got the start we wanted, but I don’t think some of our players played at a high enough level. At the end of the game they were the better team, Stars coach Peter DeBoer said In an interview with NHL.

First Ryan McLeod narrowed it down to 1-2 coming back from injury Corey Perry’s preliminary work. Moments later in the playoffs leading the point exchange for defenders Evan Bouchard tied the match. The 23rd power point of the spring in 16 games for the Canadian defender.

The second installment Mattias Janmarkin underpowered hit and born almost immediately after Leon Draisaitl The 4–2 goal gave the home team the lead, which was enough until the end of the match.

The Swedish defender who arrived in Edmonton last season Mattias Ekholm made it 5-2 in the final minutes, when Dallas tried to narrow it down without a goalkeeper. With their win, the Oilers tied the series at 2–2.

Draisaitl, who scored the Oilers’ 4–2 goal, praised his team in the post-match at the press conference.

– We know how good we can be. When we give it our all, it’s hard to beat us. Despite that, there are still four very tough teams left.

The teams will meet next time early on Saturday Finnish time.

Bat rescue

When there were more than two minutes left in the first period of the match, Dallas’ goalkeeper Jake Oettinger dropped his racket and the playing instrument flew behind him to the goal line. Edmonton got into a good goal position Connor McDavid’s trying to score from a half-open spot, but Oettinger’s stick standing on the goal line unexpectedly stopped McDavid’s attempt.

In the social media service X, The Hockey News wrote about the voodoo that was there.

– This must be voodoo. Jake Oettinger’s stick saved a sure goal. Is it David Blaine in play?

Blaine was referring to a well-known American illusionist who has become very famous as a performing magician.

Story edited at 8:31 am. Comments added.
