Vönëläislehti: Navalny’s body has been found in a morgue near the prison | News

Vonelaislehti Navalnys body has been found in a morgue near

The Russian weekly newspaper Novaya Gazeta says it has found out where the body of Alexei Navalny, who died on Friday, is. The paper bases its information on one unnamed source.

The Russian opposition leader who died on Friday To Alexei Navalny the body is in the mortuary of the Salehard Hospital in northern Russia, which is located near the prison camp, reports Novaya Gazeta-lehti.

It bases the news on the story of an anonymous paramedic.

According to Novaya Gazeta, the body was first transported to the town of Labytnang, which is located less than 40 kilometers from the penal colony where Navalnyi died. Later on Friday, the body was transferred to the Salehard area hospital.

According to the paramedic, Navalny’s body has bruises on the head and body. He estimated that they came in connection with convulsions and resuscitation.

However, an autopsy had not been performed. According to the paramedic, two police officers were guarding the body.

Navalny’s spokesman Kira JarmyÅ¡ told earlier, according to Reuters, that Navalny’s mother and lawyer flew to Salehard on Saturday to receive the official death certificate. According to the spokesman, the authorities waited for Navalny’s mother in the penal colony for a couple of hours before she was informed that the body had indeed been moved elsewhere.

On Saturday, JarmyÅ demanded the Russian authorities to hand over Navalny’s body to his relatives.

It has not been possible to verify Novaja Gazeta’s information from other sources.

Navalnyi died at the age of 47 in a Siberian penal colony called IK-3.
