Volvo Coming to Breakthrough With New Automobile Technology!

Volvo Coming to Breakthrough With New Automobile Technology

Volvowants to create a new and more interactive way of presenting information to users while driving. The company replaces the car’s windshield with a AR He is working on a new technology that converts the screen to the screen.

Swedish auto giant, an Israel-based start-up Spectralics formed a partnership with The two companies together gave people the screen for the windshield (HUD) promises a new technology that will

HUD, seen on military aircraft such as warplanes; important details such as speed, altitude and other important information in front of the pilot; It’s a feature that is displayed and can now be in cars.

Spectralics, which settle on the windshield of a car; multilayer thin combiner (MLTC) is developing what it calls film. This will allow the vehicle to turn the entire window or windshield into one big screen.

This HUD screen gives users draw attention to potential hazards or providing details about the vehicle’s immediate surroundings; It will help present important information.

See: Volvo Will Only Produce Electric Vehicles Until 2030!
