Volleyball star Lauri Kerminen left in Russia breaks the silence – says he went to terminate the contract, received a shocking demand in the hall

Volleyball star Lauri Kerminen left in Russia breaks the silence

Playing Kerminen in Russia and posting a championship picture on Instagram caused a big flood of feedback. Kerminen accepts the criticism, but not that the nasty feedback messages were also directed at those close to him.

20.5. 13:53 • Updated May 20th. 13:53

One of the brightest stars in Finnish volleyball Lauri Kerminen recently celebrated the Russian League championship in the ranks of Dinamo Moscow. Kerminen’s stay on the team despite the war in Ukraine caused a huge backlash.

For Kerminen, 29, the recent championship was third on Russian soil. Libero’s previous gold medals are Dinamo from Moscow and Kuzbass from Kemerovo.

Kermi was heavily criticized by many for staying in Moscow after the outbreak of the Ukrainian war over the Russian invasion. In an interview with STT, Kerminen says that the last three months have been the toughest part of his life.

– It has been especially on the spiritual side, things have been thought through day and night. As I left for the new day, it was impossible to know what kind of feedback would come from any party.

After the outbreak of war in Ukraine, Kerminen was ready to pack his goods quickly to leave Russia.

– The intention was to terminate the agreement and return to Finland. I first contacted my manager and we went through things.

– Next, I went to the president of the club and GM to ask for the agreement to be terminated. They gave the green light, which is why I went to the hall the next day to sign the termination of the contract.

A complete surprise awaited Kerm. It turned out that there had been an order from the upper parties of the club not to write demolition paper.

– They promised to come back. The next day I was informed that I could leave, but it would cost. The amount was not quite a million euros, but it did not freeze for long.

– The demand was, of course, a complete shock. Because the amount was so huge, I had to stay in Russia for financial reasons, even if I wanted to return to Finland.

Difficult everyday life in the shadow of war – the international federation did not help

Kerminen says despite the fierce demand, he understands the follow-up, even though he was at times very angry about the decision.

– Because I was an important piece of the whole, they could not endanger the well-being of the club. Although I was outraged by the decision, I try to think about it for them as well.

He is upset that the International Volleyball Federation did not help volleyball players playing in Russia like some other sports federations.

– On the volleyball side, there was no suspension of contracts, as in football. If the same had been done, foreigners could have left the country without sanctions.

Russia’s attack on Ukraine revolved around Kerminen’s mind on a daily basis, and his thoughts were gloomy at times.

– War is always really wrong, can not but hope for the arrival of peace in Ukraine. I also think everyone has a duty to defend their homeland if someone threatens its very existence.

The war was on the wallpaper among the Dinamo team. The group also included a Bulgarian player, an Italian coach and several Russian-born players.

– We talked about war every day. We were still all at work and kept our focus on it. It felt like the Russian players weren’t in favor of the war either, Kerminen says.

A wild rush of feedback from the party photo

Kerminen received feedback from Finland since he decided to stay in Russia. The feedback jump escalated after he posted a picture of himself with the championship trophy on Instagram.

– The picture could have been left unpublished, at that time I was only happy about the success and the end of the long journey.

Libero says he is particularly sad that the nasty feedback messages were also directed at those close to him.

– It is unreasonable that they were subjected to such work because of my work and choices. I do not accept such use.

He says he has received feedback from side to side.

– It has come, and of course I understand it, although some feel very bad. For example, I have been said to support the war, and some have called for me to be imprisoned.

– A correspondingly good comment came when I returned to Finland by car. At the time, the border checker behind me congratulated me on the championship.

Kerminen is not involved in the national team’s spring national matches and the Silver League matches.

– It had been agreed before the start of the war by the head coach Joel Banksin and assistant coach Sami Kurttilan with. I have been practicing for ten years practically all year round, so now I was supposed to take a little break.

Kerminen says the break will be needed.

– Thoughts still revolve largely in the past period and in war matters. However, I will return to the national team back in the summer for the European Championship qualifying camp.

Next season’s game plans are fully open.

– Track is mapped and searched.
