Voices are raised in Côte d’Ivoire in the case of the 49 Ivorian soldiers arrested in Mali

Voices are raised in Cote dIvoire in the case of

Ten days after the arrest of 49 Ivorian soldiers in Mali, the opposition and civil society are coming out of their silence and criticizing the mismanagement of the case by the Ivorian authorities and asking them for more transparency in this confusing affair to say the least. .

With our correspondent in Abidjan, Youenn Gourlay

Yesterday morning, Katinan Koné, spokesperson for the PPA-CI, the party of Laurent Gbagbo, asked for the greatest transparency in this affair and demanded the opening of a parliamentary inquiry to disentangle the true from the false.

We are embarrassed that our soldiers find themselves in this situation. So we ask that they return to the country, but through diplomatic channels, without however this coming hiding or preventing the search for the truth on what they went to do there. he says.

At the same time, the Ivorian Office for Human Rights (OIDH) considered that the ministers had to be accountable to the population during this period of uncertainty.

We say it so that a single truth is said and known, in front of parliamentarians who are mandated by us and who will question the ministers, the Minister of Defense in particular and of the Interior on the state of these 49 Ivorians, who are fathers. Under what conditions are they detained? We do not know », asks Eric-Aimé Sémien, president of the OIDH.

Opposition and civil society, however, welcomed the ongoing mediation of Togolese diplomacy to release the soldiers. On Tuesday, President Ouattara said he was ready to discuss with Mali.

► To read also: Tension between Mali and Côte d’Ivoire: is an amicable settlement still possible?
