Voices about a possible government crisis: “How can you start with something like this now?”

Last minute The world stood up after Putins decision in

On Tuesday, the Riksdag will vote on a no-confidence motion from SD against Minister of Justice and Home Affairs Morgan Johansson (S).

Think it’s a strange time

If he is convicted, Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson (S) has said that she will resign – and then the entire government.

– How the hell can you start with something like this now ?, Nils-Olov Nilsson asks himself in Halmstad.

“Hard to see how it affects me”

He is one of the people that SVT asked about what they think about a possible government crisis, another is Sayi Benito in Stockholm.

– I get a little worried because I know that the word crisis means something negative. But I have a hard time seeing how it will affect me and my daily life, she says.

Hear more voices in the clip above.
