Voice Reply to Instagram Story Is Coming!

Voice Reply to Instagram Story Is Coming

One of the biggest social media applications of today Instagramis working on a new feature that allows voice replies to stories.

Especially with many new features, we were now able to like Instagram stories. Thanks to this new feature, Instagram, which received positive feedback from its users, has started new studies for those who like to respond to the story.

Due to the ever-expanding internet world, we encounter many leaks on all kinds of social media platforms. These days, both Meta and big companies like Microsoft are testing their innovations. Reddit, Twitter etc. Sites include leaks.

The new feature that will come to Instagram is voice response to stories It allows us to give. Thanks to this new feature, we will be able to respond to the stories of the people we follow, both in text and audio. At the moment, it is not known at what stage this newly developed feature is. However, an announcement is expected shortly.

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