Vodafone Free Internet 2022 – Mobile

Vodafone Free Internet 2022 Mobile

Vodafone 2022 In 2016, it makes beautiful campaigns both to protect its fixed subscribers and to gain new subscribers with beautiful campaigns. Listening especially to subscribers who want free internet Vodafonestands out with its free internet campaigns and free internet winning packages.

See also: Vodafone Minute Packages 2022

Vodafone Near Me Free Internet

Invite your friend in the next to me application 9 GB, Make your loved ones with Vodafone 30 GB and you can win 5 GB free internet by turning the Vodafone what’s for me wheel.

How to Earn Vodafone Free Internet

To earn 10 GB of free internet, it is sufficient to log in to the Vodafone is with me application, log in to the Supermarket next to me page and shop for 100 TL. In addition to meeting your kitchen needs and a discount of 20 TL, you get 10 GB of free internet.

With the supermarket next to me, 2 GB of free internet line is defined for every purchase. When your internet package is over, instead of buying an additional package, you can meet the needs of your home and get 10 GB of free internet instantly.

Vodafone 4.5G Free Internet Campaign

Vodafone gives free internet to those who switch to a 4.5G compatible sim card or open their 4.5G line. You can earn free internet by switching to a 4.5G compatible sim card; Those who want to meet 4.5G speed can also win free internet. By changing your line with a 4.5G compatible sim card free of charge, you gain 5 GB of Vodafone free internet. Those who replace your line with a 4.5G compatible card and those who open the 4GB line to 4.5G; To gain 1 GB of internet, it is sufficient to write ā€œ4.5Gā€ and send an SMS to 4545.

Monday TL Upload 2 GB Free Internet

Vodafone does free internet in campaigns for prepaid lines. With Vodafone free internet 2022 campaign, load TL on Monday and win free internet; You can earn 2 GB free internet by loading TL on Monday. Once a month, the balance is loaded onto your line on Monday, and your 2 GB internet line is instantly defined.

Vodafone free internet

Vodafone Internet Hunters Game Free Internet

With Vodafone internet hunters game, you earn free internet for every BIT you catch. After downloading the internet hunters application to your mobile phone, you need to log in and catch the lice flying around you. The more bits you catch, the sooner you can earn 4GB of free internet.
