Vlahovic, only one destination in mind

Vlahovic only one destination in mind

Dusan Vlahovic has it clear: he wants to go to Juventus and he wants to do it now. According to ‘La Gazzetta dello Sport’, the striker has decided on his new team and hopes to change his shirt in January, something that led to a new break with Fiorentina. The general manager viola, after the match with Cagliari, was blunt: “We have not received offers, we are open to everything, but we want clarity.”

It is a message both for the player’s entourage, who has disappeared these days, and for Juve, who are being asked for a proposal worthy of the striker’s value, which is around 70 million euros.

Vlahovic’s contract expires in 2023 and Juventus’ idea was to incorporate him next summer, but signs from La Fiore, that she is willing to move up the operation, they force her to try it now.

The striker always made it clear that his priority is to stay in Italy and dress as a bianconero, despite the interest of Arsenal, which never convinced him. With the Juventini he already has an agreement in principle for a salary that would be around 7 million net per season and, for the Gazzetta, the directors of Fiorentina understood that “it is impossible for him to change his position.” If an offer of 70 million euros arrives in Florence before January 31, the transfer will be made.
