Vladimir Putin admits that the Russian economy is affected by the sanctions

Vladimir Putin admits that the Russian economy is affected by

If the Kremlin claims to be resisting the sanctions, on Monday July 18 Vladimir Putin seemed to bend his position somewhat and acknowledged the difficulties ” colossal » which he promises to overcome, particularly in the new technologies sector.

The challenge is enormous “. Vladimir Putin’s tone seems to have changed. The meeting is broadcast on Russian television. In front of ministers and business leaders, the Russian president admits, the sanctions affect the Russia.

Today, we are putting in place against our country, not only limitations, but also an almost total blockage to access high technologies. said Vladimir Putin.

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With the departure of Russian tech giants like Microsoft, Apple, Google, Adobe or Cisco, many consumers and businesses find themselves without an alternative. The shortage of semi-conductors, for example, is disrupting industry, from automobiles to armaments. On the other hand, in addition to the departure for Russia of key companies, Western suppliers have ceased to provide technical support to their Russian customers.

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Vladimir Putin therefore appeals to the nation’s effort. ” We are well aware of the colossal difficulties facing us, which is why we will intensively and intelligently seek new solutions. “, he said.

For Vladimir Putin, this requires investment by large public groups in local innovative companies. But also by more money dedicated to training. Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernychenko assured 21.5 billion rubles (370 million euros at today’s rate) had already been released to develop “Russian solutions where it is currently extremely necessary”.

A crucial issue since Moscow foresees a deficit of one million executives in new technologies within two years.

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(with AFP)
